The dog blog by dog ​​people for dog people

Eine Liebeserklärung an Windhunde

A declaration of love for greyhounds

- by veterinarian Dr. Leonie Kondert From the Azawak, to the Borzoi, the Deerhound, the Galgo Espagnol and the Greyhound to the Whipet and the Greyhound: we are talking about the representativ...

Urlaub mit Junghund Teil 2: Erfahrungsbericht

Vacation with a young dog Part 2: Experience report

Mirjam went on summer vacation with the young dog Balou. In this article she talks about the process, the hurdles, but also the shared experiences that she and her loved one had.

HundetrainingHunde drinnen beschäftigen: Info, Tipps & Ideen zur sinnvollen Auslastung

Keep dogs indoors: information, tips & ideas for sensible utilization

It is not always possible to spend hours roaming through the wilderness with your four-legged friend. Some days even the most motivated dog owner needs a break or your dog doesn't want to wander t...

Urlaub mit Junghund Teil 1: Die Vorbereitung

Vacation with a young dog Part 1: The preparation

Vacationing with a dog is often not that easy. Dog owner, Mirjam, talks about her preparation for vacation with young dog, Balu. You can find out here what you shouldn't forget and how you can make...

Hurra, ein Welpe zieht ein! - Was du alles vor seiner Ankunft besorgen solltest

Hurray, a puppy is moving in! - Everything you should get before he arrives

Finally the time has come - a puppy is moving in. Now it's time to prepare! You can find out what goes into your perfect puppy equipment in this article.

Der perfekte Sommerurlaub mit deinem Hund - Tipps einer Tierärztin

The perfect summer vacation with your dog - tips from a veterinarian

The ultimate dream for many dog ​​owners: vacationing with your dog! Veterinarian Leonie Kondert tells you what you should pay attention to in this article.

Bericht & RechercheDieses Bild ist Teil von dem Blogbeitrag 'Erste Hilfe für Hunde - Was tun bei Atemnot, Schock oder Wunden?' Es zeigt einen Hund nach viel Anstrengung.

First aid for dogs - what to do if you have shortness of breath, shock or wounds?

Are you also afraid that misfortune will happen to your beloved dog? We know this feeling all too well! Take some fear away from yourself and find out a little about important first aid measures. T...