Dummy & fetch for dogs
Dummies and dumbbells are important pieces of equipment in dog training. They serve as a dummy for prey and are perfect for retrieving. Dummy training is (but of course not only) particularly suitable for dogs with a particularly strong passion for hunting and excellent noses.
In principle, every breed of dog (unless the dog has absolutely no fun with it) benefits from training with a fetch and dummy. Since the training takes place together with you, you also strengthen your bond. Dummies are available in many colors, shapes, designs and sizes.
History of dummy training
Training with the dummy was originally used in Great Britain for water dogs and retrievers. However, it quickly became clear: dummy training is also an enrichment for private dog owners. The dog is stimulated both mentally and physically and also works directly with its owner.
Dummy training in everyday life with a dog
Before we tell you more about dummy training for family dogs, we would also like to briefly introduce you to the sub-areas of dummy work.
The dummy work comes from hunting dog training. This is how the dog is taught the tasks of hunting.
The dummies are used to replace the game during training. Since different situations have to be trained, dummy work can be divided into 3 areas:
- The Great Search - great fun for all sniffing noses
During the big search, the dummies lie in a previously established area of up to 50 x 50 meters. Neither the dog nor the person knows where the dummies lie. During the big search, the dog should sniff and search the area until it finds and retrieves the dummies on its own.
- To mark
When marking or hunting by sight, the dummies are thrown and people and dogs see the lying areas.
The dog should remember where the dummies are - but is only allowed to fetch them when he is given the command to do so.
Of course, this requires a lot of obedience - and also impulse control - because the time it takes to start varies and the dog has to remember several places before it starts looking. If the dummy lands behind a hedge or tree, the dog sometimes doesn't even know where the dummy landed, which makes the search more challenging.
- Instructing: “Controlling” the dog
When introducing the dog, the handler knows where the dummy is lying - unlike the dog. The human must now direct the dog to the dummy.
Here, too, a high level of walking skills is required because the four-legged friend has to learn various signals: for example, he should walk forward in a straight line, be able to interpret the signals for directions and know a stop whistle and a search whistle. The bond between dog and owner is also very important here.
If you're now thinking to yourself: I don't have that much time to take a dummy course in addition to our daily walks and playing together - then we can reassure you: dummy training can be easily integrated into your everyday life .
Many things can serve as a dummy or fetch, including your dog's favorite ball or a fabric toy.
The only important thing is that you build up waiting, concentrating and retrieving slowly and in small steps. To ensure that your dog brings the fetch back to you safely, you can also use a drag leash in the beginning.
And of course your darling should be rewarded with lots of treats when he has safely returned the fetch.
So-called food dummies are particularly suitable for the initial period of dummy training. These are equipped with a zipper or Velcro fastener. You can fill them with treats or your dog's food and then hide or throw the dummy. Since your four-legged friend cannot open the bag himself but wants to get the treats, he will happily bring it back to you.

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