The dog blog by dog ​​people for dog people

Beim doppelten Rückruf hat dein Hund, wie der Name sagt, zwei Signale um zurückgerufen zu werden. Das erste Kommando ist ein Umorientierungssignal oder Ankersignal und das Zweite das Rückrufsignal. Dieses Bild zeigt einen freilaufenden Hund.

Double Callback - A bombproof callback with an anchor signal

Everyone knows the frustration when your beloved dog doesn't come back to you despite recall training. This can be embarrassing, but also very dangerous. The double callback could help you!

HundetrainingDieses Bild ist Teil vom Blogartikel 'Mit 7 Tipps zur idealen Leinenführigkeit für deinen Hund und dich'. Es zeigt Ruby, wie sie Impulse an der Leine bekommt um ihre Leinenführigkeit zu verbessern.

With 7 tips for ideal leash walking for your dog and you

You are in the forest, the birds are chirping and the sun's rays are dancing through the treetops. It could all be so beautiful - if your dog didn't pull like a brewery horse. There is no solution,...

ErfahrungsberichtDiese Foto zeigt Bjarki auf seiner Decke von Band&Roll. Er liebt sie und ist gnaz ruhig.

Blanket training for calm: tips & instructions in 7 steps

Many dog ​​owners struggle with restless, excited dogs. In order for these four-legged friends to rest, a lot is often necessary. Blanket training & rest training helped me a lot.

ErfahrungsberichtEin Plädoyer für den Maulkorb

A plea for the muzzle

There is a prejudice that all dogs that wear a muzzle must be dangerous, aggressive and vicious. This is often just a prejudice and does not reflect reality. But what reasons are there actually for...

HundetrainingClickertraining für Hunde: Tipps & Anleitung in 4 einfachen Schritten

Clicker training for dogs: tips & instructions in 4 easy steps

There is no dog owner who has never heard the word 'clicker'. The many advantages are well known and are used very effectively in training by most dog owners. What is a clicker and how is it use...

ErfahrungsberichtDie Schleppleine im Hundetraining

The towing leash in dog training

In this article, Patrizia from Vienna talks to her Aussie male Milo about why they rely on training on a towline.

ErfahrungsberichtImpulskontrolle für den Hund - Was ist das?

Impulse control for dogs - what is it?

In this article, Alex, Justice and Frieda's dog mom, tells you what experiences they have had with impulse control in their everyday lives.